Hi, I'm Zak from world-topics-99 and you are reading part 9 of my awesome email marketing mastery course so what we are going to cover in this part? simply we are going to see how to write the perfect email together so I'll explain in this post a simple rule to follow when you write any email so in part 8 I showed you how to write the perfect subject line and I talked about the ABC rule to right any subject line that converts and increase your open rates so what is the rule that we are going to cover in this post to write the body of the email? simply it is the TCPARS rule.
1-So what is T? simply it is the target the first thing you need to do is to set the target it's very important so in our case, in this post, I will write an email to email marketers so my T my target is email marketers now it's also better to dissect and segment your list more so you can promote to cold email marketers to bulk, so number one set the target now we need to set the subject line okay what is my subject line? in my case I will be sending a message to promote a course that teaches email marketing and boost conversions through email marketing I will use this subject line email marketer want to boost conversions as I told you please refer to my last part if you want to learn how to write the perfect subject line.
2-Now we need to follow the rule what's the second part of the rule? "C" which means the Call-out. The call-out is also very very important it's like the subject line you need to catch attention it's the first line in the message if it's boring if it's not grabbing attention they will leave the message they will not continue reading and they will not click on any links so to increase click-through rates you need to write the perfect call-out it's the first sentence and the message so it's the call-out you need to catch attention and tell them what they will get from this email in my example I told you I am targeting email marketers promoting my new course of course after you say "hey" or like "hi name" whatever I will use this call-out "are you struggling in growing your email lists and increasing your sales with email marketing?" it's directly telling them that if they are email marketers and you know they are and they are struggling in building email lists and getting more conversions and sales through email marketing then continue reading so if your target is correct they will definitely continue reading you catch the attention by this statement another example if you are targeting youtubers you can say "are you struggling with getting more views and subscribers on YouTube?" of course he will read the message because he wants more views he wants more subscribers another example I'm concentrating on this because it's really very important the call-out is very important another example "don't mean to waste your time if you are not an online business owner who want to send high converting marketing emails to her his audience then feel free to send this email to trash." so here we are targeting online business owners who want to increase sales writing the perfect email so please focus on this part the call-out is very important write something that catches attention and tell them what you are going to get from this email .
3-What's next? the "P" what is the "P"? it's the personal connection here you need to show some emotions so contact personally with their example in my case "just like you five years ago I almost felt that my online business is failing I didn't know how and where to get leads how to write a perfect email that converts I feel your pain." this shows somehow a personal connection with the user so this somehow will stimulate his emotions to continue reading the message so this is the second thing that you have to follow in the rule the personal connection and this is what we mentioned here that P.
4-Then we have A what is A? Authority so now we finish T the target the Call-out the Personal connect then we go to the Authority what is Authority? you need to show them Authority you show them that you can help them let's give an example I paste it "but now after years of patience research testing and hard work I have more than 40,000 students worldwide following my courses and counting." so this somehow give authority for the user "I have 40,000 students following my courses!" this is really big so give something allows them to trust you so now we give authority very nice we have the Call-out we have a Personal connect we have Authority .
5-Now we have "R" what is "R"? Reciprocity you need to make them feel that you own something that you are going to give them? what is the solution? simply look at this "that's why I'm giving away my next course for free/" Wow! for free?! "You are giving me this for free?! thank you!!" now you may tell me "I'm not giving this course for free I want to sell it." very nice let's remove this statement and use this one "you can call me stupid but I'm giving away my next course for just $19.99 and I would give it away for less but Udemy does not allow me to sell it below this."Wow! this is also really a psychological trick that makes them feel that you owe them something you are giving it only for 20 bucks also I will add this statement to play with their emotions "so for that I decided also to give you all the tools and the apps that I use for free when you enroll let me know if you want that after you get the course." WOW! you are giving more value more free stuff letting them feel that you owe them something very nice don't just say "get my course now for a discount." this strict way no let them feel that you owe them something very nice.
6-now the last thing is Social proof this is also very important what you are going to do is to add some social proof using screenshots using images .
so this is the easiest method I think to write the best or the perfect email address there's TCPARS, to sum up: "T", set the Target. "C", the Call-out to catch attention. "P", personally connect to stimulate emotions. Then "A", build... give Authority. Then "R", reciprocity. let them feel that they owe you something. And "S", give an image, a social proof from other people what are saying about your stuff. that's it, don't forget to read a book every day on books and more. blog boost your knowledge in minutes see you later in another post.